Well, it’s Thursday, I have no ambition to work this afternoon, and someone hinted that she wanted more stories to read on blogs, so here I am writing :)
Life here has been uneventful. Busy, but uneventful. It has been way to warm for February, and we just had 3 days of rain. *sigh* I’ve gotten out skiing once between being sick for half of December and January, and now we’re getting rain. I think Mother Nature doesn’t like me :-/ The rest of the time has been filled with work, rehearsals, meetings, more meetings, more rehearsals, and taking care of the house. Oh, and the obligatory trip to Troy for the annual Sousaphone pilgrimage… otherwise known as Freakout :-)
So lets see here, work… it’s been busy. The country seems to be going into a recession, so my company is expanding, going to a 7 day work week, and buying new equipment. Good to know we’re following what the rest of the country is doing ./sarcasm. January started off slow, as most of the machines still weren’t running from shutdown, but now that everything is up and going, my to-do list gets longer every day.
Rehearsals… It’s February, which means my 3-nights-a-week of rehearsals is starting to get to me, and will until June, when 2 of then stop. Now, add onto that we have a show in April and contest, which means longer, more intense rehersals… and you have one drained me. But they’re fun, so I put myself through it :-) I’m sure I will cut back on them at some point, just not yet. What I really need to cut back on is…
Meetings. Ugh, this is where I torture myself. I somehow thought it would be a good idea to let myself be volunteered for Volunteer coordinator for the convention were co-hosting. As an afterthought, I don’t really need something else on my plate, but it’s for the good of the chorus, and it’s over in 8 weeks. But who’s counting ;-)
The house is doing well, considering. We have new curtains for the bedroom, full bath, and kitchen. Which of course means I need to paint windows… :-/ Well, I hung the kitchen ones up already, without painting. The whole kitchen needs a coat of paint, so I’ll pull them down when I get to that point. The basement is in the same condition it has been for a month now, although C and Dad are supposed to start putting up walls soon :-) Yay! Of course, I need to pick out paint colors then :-) I’m thinking tan, with brown and red accents… but C says that would be too much like the bathroom… we’ll see.
Hmm… I’m rambling again… and it all sounds so depressing. It’s not! Really! Just busy. I’m just at the point where I want to go home and stay home. Which I’ll get to do tonight :-) Going away for the weekend throws your schedule off, but the trip was fun, and I got to play “my” sousaphone :-)
I guess I should get back to the data entry that’s sitting in front of me… *sigh* Is it Friday yet?