Sunday, December 28, 2008


Our Christmas day, in 3 pictures and 3 movies :-P

The Christmas Tree! With way too many presents under it!

Jeeves, Enjoying his Bully stick that he opened himself! Silly dog

And Jett getting his Bully stick!

This is quickly becoming the tradition of the Christmas night Pit session. Pit is a card trading game, based off the stock market. It's a nice, quiet, peaceful way to spend the evening. (hah!)

I taped one hand. People playing, starting in the lower left and going clockwise - Greg (Karen's brother), Charlie, Kevin (Karen's sister), Joy (Lindsey's mother), Mom, Lindsey (Greg's girlfriend), and Kim (Lindsey's aunt). Also appearing are Dad, Rosalie, and Papa's shoulder :-)

Strider, attempting to access the catnip inside. While he would have gotten to it, eventually. To save us from having to pick up shreads of paper through out the house, we opened it for him shortly after

The battle of the paper. Between Sam and Strider, for the privilege of being able to claim the paper as ones own.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hayden Holiday Update

While I've been photographing events around the house, I haven't done much posting of them. Here's the last month or so, in review :-)

Thanksgiving brought on the need for apple pies. Mostly, one for us, and one for the in-laws. So, that morning, I dutifully made two gorgeous apple pies, and left the one below sitting on the stove, with a rag over it to cool off while we took the other one and went to Thanksgiving dinner with C's family. Now, Apple pies have a tendancy to sink as they cool and form to the apples inside, but when we got home that night, we found a very strange spot on the pie, where it had not only sunk in, but had broken the crust and juices had come up.

Suspect #1 - aka. Strider and Suspect #2 - aka. Sam-wise
Due to his brothers innocent look, lack of interest in jumping on counters, and lack of interest in human food, Sam-wise was found to be guilty, and was subsquently tortured by being held in the air and flipped upside down.
As a 2nd story with thanksgiving and apple pies - I had taken the 2nd pie as we left, covered it in foil, and had it sitting on my lap (on a hot grabber, since it was still warm!) C backs out of the driveway, and 2 seconds later, I'm covered in apple pie juice, all over my sweater and pants. Apparently I didn't seal the foil well. Back into the house, and the hour of planning what to wear quickly went to plan B - whatever's clean and matches!

Here is Sam, showing off the hiding spot for the next month. And no worries, once there are presents there, they'll do flying leaps over them into and out of the tree!
The winter has also brought on a new toy for C. This was two-folded, as it means we had to spend the money, but at the same point, I no longer have to shovel the driveway :-)

Our snow-stick that we got for christmas last year and never got to use!

So, on December 11th, at approximately 11:35 (judging by when the clock stopped) the power went out over most of the north-east. We were in the middle of a WONDERFUL ice storm, and some where between the power company and here (actually, lots of somewheres) The lines decided to not be connected anymore. Anyhow - this resulted in us losing power for about 44 hours. We were lucky - 11-12 days later, and some people STILL don't have power back...

Some of the damage from around the neighborhood

And, as a result of having no heat for that time, Fishy finally left us. Yes, he was called Fishy, mostly because when we had multiple fish, we couldn't tell the difference, so they got named "Fishy 1, Fishy 2, and Fishy 3" The first one we saw was #1, etc. Of course, we have Kitty 1 and Kitty 2 as well... so I think we're just lazy at naming animals.
But C has some great plans to make a terrarium out of the fishtank, once he gets around to it. Meantime, while i'm doing my scrubbing of the house from one end to the other, I cleaned out the fish tank and made my own terrarium. Complete with ceramic happy frogs and a stuffed multi-colored lizard :-)