Sunday, December 28, 2008


Our Christmas day, in 3 pictures and 3 movies :-P

The Christmas Tree! With way too many presents under it!

Jeeves, Enjoying his Bully stick that he opened himself! Silly dog

And Jett getting his Bully stick!

This is quickly becoming the tradition of the Christmas night Pit session. Pit is a card trading game, based off the stock market. It's a nice, quiet, peaceful way to spend the evening. (hah!)

I taped one hand. People playing, starting in the lower left and going clockwise - Greg (Karen's brother), Charlie, Kevin (Karen's sister), Joy (Lindsey's mother), Mom, Lindsey (Greg's girlfriend), and Kim (Lindsey's aunt). Also appearing are Dad, Rosalie, and Papa's shoulder :-)

Strider, attempting to access the catnip inside. While he would have gotten to it, eventually. To save us from having to pick up shreads of paper through out the house, we opened it for him shortly after

The battle of the paper. Between Sam and Strider, for the privilege of being able to claim the paper as ones own.

1 comment:

Queen of Swords said...

Yay for Christmas! Nice to see the cats playing nicely with each other. :)