Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, the contest lineup has been posted…  I have to say, it’s quite nerve-wracking to see your quartet in writing in the lineup!  We have 5 quartets competing from our chorus though, which is amazing!


MT East Coast Serenade
1. Basic Black
2. Foreign Exchange
3. Three and a Half
4. New England Sound
5. Cloud 9
6. Relative Ring
7. In Cahoots!
8. Showcase
9. Take 4
10. Back in Town
11. The Long & Short of It
12. Inspirations
13. Blue Notes
14. Sound Investment
15. Omigosh!
16. Escapade

1. Silk'n Sounds
2. Capital Chordettes
3. Chair City Pipers
4. New England Voices in Harmony
5. Women of Note
6. Montreal City Voices
7. Thousand Islanders
8. Harmony Heritage
9. Barre-Tones
10. Sounds of the Seacoast
11. Champlain Echoes
12. Maine-ly Harmony



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quote of the Day...

Him: So, were you out shoveling while you were working yesterday?

Me:  No, I have a husband and a snowblower J