Note to self… remove signature before sending post. I’ll have to remove that later I guess…
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
And it's not even 11 yet...
I can't work… I have to, since I'm here – but we're all in a general shock. One of our 3rd shift operators passed away unexpectedly last night. I found out when an operator called me this morning on my way into work, but some knew last night, and had a hard time sleeping because of it. I just sit here, looking at the computer screen, and my mind starts wandering.
It's just the shock of it – He was on 3rd shift, so I rarely saw him, except for the two weeks that I was training him on the new machines. Most recently, last week. He was working 12 hour shifts for that training, coming in at 2AM and staying until 2pm. Something makes me wonder if that was just too much for him, but that's me trying to put blame somewhere. You always want to have someone/something to blame when you lose someone, the idea of their time being up, is a much harder concept to grasp.
As hard as it is to grasp, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason – even if you can't see that reason right away, or ever see that reason.
<4 hours later>
Well, the initial shock has worn off, sort of. I still don't want to work, but now it's because I want to go get my new car :-D A nice shiny 2007 Toyota RAV4 with only 7000 miles on it! So, it doesn't have all the options my MIL's does, like the sunroof, and the 6 CD changer system, and such – but I don't really need those. What I do need to go get, is a cable so I can plug my ipod in :-D
Will post pictures later :-)