Yesterday, I saw a house get pulled over by a cop. In the middle of the highway, on my way home. Yes, a HOUSE. Specifically, the front side I believe, although it’s hard to tell when it’s covered in plastic.
It was one of those modular homes. The ones that are cut in half on the trailers with the “wide load” signs, an escort car behind them (which they obviously can’t see), and traffic backing up for 2 miles because people are afraid to pass a house on the road. But, I had passed the back half without incident, and saw the front half about ¾ of a mile up ahead. In the mean time, I had a cop car pass me in the left lane – no biggie, but an excuse for everyone to show that their brake lights work. So, I’m driving along – watching people slow down for both the cop car AND the house, and I’m slowly catching up to the house. All of the sudden, I see the cop car from the left lane, change into the middle lane and switch it’s blues on. It then straddles the middle and right lanes, between the house and the miniscule escort car, until the house pulls over.
So yes, I saw a house get pulled off to the side of the highway on the way home yesterday by I’m sure a very nice member of the State Police.
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