Thursday, October 8, 2009

Does anyone pay attention to time?

10:20 at night.  I had just crawled into bed, and sent C a text message saying I was going to bed since i hadn't heard from him in hours, and didn't know if he wanted to talk before I turned completely incomprehensible.

10:20:30 (30 seconds later) The house phone rings.

Me: Rolls over and answers phone

"Is this K. H.?"
"This is So-n-So from the American Consumer research...."  (They sent me a postcard 3 days ago warning me that they would call and asking if I would be SO kind to give them a bit of my time for this IMPORTANT research when they got around to calling)
"Do you REALIZE that it is 10:30 at night here?  I'm already in bed, and was about to be asleep before you..."  /gets cut off
"Oh! I'm so sorry"
/slam phone down

Hmm... I wonder who I can report them to for calling at that hour of the night.  I'm pretty sure it's illegal....

1 comment:

Queen of Swords said...

Wow. That's amazingly... unbelievable. That's so late...