Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I now work...

next to a coffee pot.  Or so it seems.


The air in the office gets very dry in the winter – resulting in being shocked by everything you touch.  They finally installed a humidification system to take care of this problem.  They put a couple of vents round the office, and it was supposed to be fixed.  Well, one of the vents is in the cubicle next to mine, which is used as a small printing room.  The humidifier has been gurgling all day – just like a coffee pot.  You can see the steam billowing out of it.  And, since they put the vents up near the ceiling, the moisture is condensing, and we’re having localized rain showers in the building. (We don’t have a true ceiling, we have the open support beams/air ducts/sheetmetal roof look)  Good job “fixing” the issue.  I think I’d rather stick with the shock treatment.


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